So Mason, Larn's beau and fellow poker aficionado, put me on the trail of a great iTouch app (linked behind the image, if you have iTunes). I'd like to think it's improving my poker game, but like I told J.R. as we went for lunch yesterday, Hold 'Em is about reading your opponents, not your cards. Still, for all that, the game does demonstrate the results of foolish betting, which is a lesson I need from time to time. For those who just can't keep winning hands straight, there's a decent help section too. Pusateri would love this game--his catch phrase is "more cards faster," and you can burn through hands as quickly as you like with just a swipe (I fold about five pocket pairs in a minute, and every one hurts). Maybe next time I'm at his table, I'll be able to put those trained instincts to use; I think I've donated enough to his baby fund.
So I'm starting to get to know the American University firsties...pretty cool bunch, and I love how they're bringing out the foolishness in the second-years. Talking to Zac, Anne, and Jenny outside is totally different when Mark and Todd are lookin' on in bemusement. I dunno--I've always been a performer, so I appreciate a change-up in the audience. Mary is having a meet n' greet tomorrow night (already christened the "hurricane party" due to the feared effects of Tropical Storm Hanna. Sleepover pending?), and it promises to be quite the affair. Mark and Todd have already demonstrated their drinking prowess in helping me take down the Baltika 9 at Brickskeller last night (17oz bottles are no joke). I'll try to behave, but I make no promises.
Finally...I'm trying out a new commenting system from Disqus, starting with this post. I like their admin interface quite a bit, but its performance at the helm remains to be seen. If you read this, drop a comment and let me know what you think of it. Easy to use? Pain in the ass?
Friday, September 5, 2008
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